Tuesday, July 13, 2010

for the wiser and wiser. just better :)

tomorrow i'll be 17th :)
nearly a woman. and i'm proud :)

there's no birthday bash for now. the pocket is not in a good condition at this time. so i prefer celebrate my day with bestest. tapi engga pas hari h sih. feeling ku elek buat besok. there must be something ehem -_-

tersyerah lah. yang jelas hari ini bawaannya senyum terus :)

mulai sekarang saya mau semakin mendekatkan diri sama Tuhan. bukan karena kelas tiga, bukaan. tapi saya butuh dekat dengan-Nya. untuk dan dalam segala hal :)

sempet pingin ini itu banyak banget tapi setelah dipikir pikir....................... mending duitnya disimpen aja. soalnya untuk penghidupan beberapa bulan kedepan kayaknya bakalan g sedikit.
sementara pengalokasian dana berlebih harus ditabung buat docmart. pengen bgt sampe kebawa mimpi. hayah. yg replika tp, soalnya kalo ori ga mampu hahaha. kalo ada yg nawarin second juga mauuuu. tapi apa mungkin gitu seukuran kaki saya -_-

yah sutra lah.

hopin the best for me :)
hhihi senyum aja deh ini si eneng :) :)



Thursday, July 8, 2010

Les grandes pensées viennent du coeur.
(The greatest thoughts come from the heart)

Vauvenargues // 6 August 1715 – 28 May 1747

its kind of ridics when someone ask a location or something else and we're acting so nice, give the damn right clue without knowing who is the person exactly. its nice to be stranger. or asking them :)

sometimes its good to not knowing something.

kemarin salah satu orang terdekat saya bilang akhir2 ini saya malesin.
i just dont know what the heck is going on down here, inside my brain. i miss the moment when we dont know each other, but finding out. i miss the moment when he asked me to somewhere or gave me something that i really want that (thing or place) so bad and i felt there's fireworks show in my mind.

entah saya atau dia yang menjauh.

im so scared if we're becoming strangers. but wait? they're nice arent they?
they do. but they're not if they are you. your heart is too good to be forgotten. because
The greatest thoughts come from your heart.

this post is for anyone. who feel like this.
i miss you.



My photo
part time bookworm nerdy as hell and hardly to find another safe-zone. the rest part is just between you and me.