Tuesday, June 15, 2010

the future begins today, not tomorrow

keduluan si fata nurhaliza mosting tentang ansor huhu
yowes lah yau, cekidot

the ANSOR Family

tapi di fotonya itu aku keliatan genduuk. d a n g!

so be prepared for our farewell trip next 26 june at Bali. even not all the members join in but well enjoy our time as we can *senyum maksa*

selama setaun sekelas ada terlalu banyak warna menyatu menjadikan putih di kenangan kita. mau disebutin pasti g ada habisnya. yang pernah nangis dikelas siapa hayoo? yang pernah nggosip? marah marah? siapa yang g pernah? haha

pertama kali main poker, pertama kali touring sampe pacitan dan tempat terpencil kyk yg di segoro buaya-ku, pertama kali bolos pas patah hati (sampe akhirnya ketagihan), pertama kali pergi jauh cuma bekal niat tanpa duit ya sama kalian. and i wont forget our favorite activity selain mbolos pak dandung, curhat frontal masalah hati, sekelas.

thanks for learn me something called life.

tapi walopun kita banyak masalah sampe diomongin sana sini kita toh tetep bisa bikin Mrs. Ansor a.k.a bu Aris bangga. kita pantes kemaki-kemayu-an dong hla nyatanya yang remed mat cuman seorang temen kita yang kurang beruntung, yang remed eko juga engga banyak2 amat. dan kenyataan bahwa saya tidak remed agama. ha ha :D

ok talk less photos more.
here we are :

buber fabulous

Segoro Gunung

Pantai Sembukan

Pantai Nampu


if next year we're not in the same class, be cool. prove them we can get in the same list. we'll be in the fabulous university and fight for the brighter future (and married the one whom we love, and who loves us) :)


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any comment huh?


My photo
part time bookworm nerdy as hell and hardly to find another safe-zone. the rest part is just between you and me.