Friday, December 17, 2010

The trees and the wild gigs at Musro, The Sunan Hotel, Surakarta

Selamat pagi! Ini adalah review serius pertama yang dipublish di blog saya. Maaf untuk sisi kesubjektivitasan yang sebentar lagi akan anda saksikan :))

Sebelumnya sempet ga percaya juga god save the pop kali ini mengundang ttatw tanpa didampingi oleh band manapun, yang mana itu adalah berita surga untuk saya *tsaaaah. Pertama dikabarin neng nana lwt sms, langsung “nasy, titip dua!!”

For God’s sake, December 16th I had 2 bookmarks on my calendar. I spent the noon at Graha Saba Buana celebrating my school anniversary. And taraaaaaaaaaa malemnya saya habiskan dengan mengencani musik nya ttatw barengan sama Inu, Om Gilblow, sama mas Polo. Sampe ksna ketemu Nana, Brian, Gilang, Ichug dkk, mbak Sum dan keluarga, sama temen2 god save the pop veteran yang saya udah mulai hafal wajah2nya. ditambah mbak2 masa kini juga sih..

Jadwal jam 7, tp ttatw sendiri turun ke panggung sekitar jam setengah sembilan. Dan seperti biasa, keasyikan ala god save the pop pun mengalir begitu saja...

Walaupun agak canggung diawal ntah karena venue apa lighting nya – oke, ini mungkin karena ketampanan wajah musik mereka yang mengakibatkan efek “d’oh!” saat pertama kali berjumpa – tapi pada akhirnya gunung es itu pun mencair menjadi sesuatu yang hangat, lembut, manis, mempesona layaknya cream soup panas di hari hujan.

Playlist malam itu 11 12 sama yang ada di album Rasuk, sebenernya ga juga siih, maklum kebiasaan shuffle jadi yah gini deh :P Noble Savage sbg pembukaan kemudian Honeymoon on Ice, Berlin, Our Roots, Malino, Derau dan Kesalahan (super WOW), Irish Girl, plus bonus Fight the Future sukses membuat kita penikmat ttaw, dan yang baru pertama kali denger luluh lantah sama mrk.

Truth to be told, am a little bit heart broken when listening my favorite song, Berlin, I thougt it last lyric was “you’ll find a way” but yesterday I figured it out and the correct one is “you’ll fade away” OMG why such a beautiful mellow galau dramatic song like this must be ended with an end :’( its so unfair! How dare you TTAW! *nyubit pipi gitarisnya* but wait, semua pegang gitar. Jadi bole dong nyubitin semua HA HA

Yes, the best part who stole all the eyes yesterday is you, mbak backing vocal yang memukau. Or in this case you cant call her just as the backing vocal. She’s one of the souls who make ttatw as the trees and the wild. I mean without her everyting wont be like this. She has the angelic voice, simple but eye catching look, and she plays the effect such as “karakas” (or whatever music instrument which soud ‘cekcekcek’), another instrument that sound ‘tek’, and the single drum. Imagine her. No I guess you cant unless seeing them live.

Jadi dsni intinya ada dua, jeleknya adalah melihat penampilan mereka sama halnya mendengar suara mereka di kaset ditambah visual, maksudnya bener2 plek sama rekamannya. Kesalahan2 itu kan sesuatu yang kita cari ketika liat live. tapi bagusnya, tidak ada musik yang kepleset atau nada yang lari2, bener2 bersih! Yaa Tuhan saya sedang tidak lebay tapi kemaren saya bener bener terpukau oleh ke-amazingan-mereka. Kalopun ada semua udah ketutup sama yang lain jadi kita liatnya fine fine aja. Jadi khusus untuk TTATW, we don’t need any fals part because you are perfectly looking perfect for us, pendengar anda :)

Ps: thanks for the bonus song (halah, lupa sebutannya buat lagu yang di luar playlist) Fight The Future. What a nice way to end the gigs. Thanks for the great time and awesome night with you guys!

See you mates on God Save The Pop 6th next year! guess who’s on the list, frau, Pure Saturday, tika, or SORE? We’ll see..

For somehow, Berlin reminds me at my “dunia maya” good friend when am in my junior highschool. Just because my phone was stolen then lost contact. Uh.

meet them at myspace or follow their twitter @ttatw



(dipostingkan via warnet deket rumah gara2 spidi MASIH ngadat hiks)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

dimanakah anda biasanya menangis?

kalau saya simpel jawabannya : dimana - mana.

bisa di depan tv selepas melihat jika aku menjadi..
di atas bantal, sebelum tidur..
waktu tidur..
di bis sepulang sekolah..
di kamar mandi, sambil mengeraskan suara kran..
dan sekarang di warnet belakang rumah..

mungkin gara2 koneksi spidi yg lagi tai2nya
mungkin gara2 kecewa dgn mereka yang di depan menyelamati namun di belakang mencacimaki
mungkin karena paska siklus bulanan
mungkin karena kamu.

ok, am trying hardly to forgetting this.


tarik nafas, hembuskan ~

jadi, dimana saja kamu biasanya menangis?


Friday, October 29, 2010

it's been weeks since my last post. the one and only reason is my cbox. yeah. its full of those fuckin spammer. and i wonder how if i delete it, and keep my comment box disable. haaaaaah :O

there are so much deaths around me lately. and am really feel like everything must've changed. the way we used to deal with world. the time when our soul is being taken. because there is a thin line between life and death. the problem is how ready are us when we face the end.

#prayforIndonesia for wasior, mentawai, and merapi and all of us.


Thursday, August 26, 2010

thanks for the curhat session last afternoon, any response, criticisms, suggestions and stories

my best friends popon and kokom once told me they've already feel like this before.
(and the fact that their story is much much worst than mine)

and see,
unless the truth about both of them still being a single man for about umm. . . errrrr. . . sorry i cant remember -_- , they still alive now. perfectly healthy and alhamdullilah now they're becoming a fighter of love until i dont know. good luck, fellas! :D

yeah maybe its the time for me to chasing my dreams. sounds cliche. haha.

no one dies because of broken heart and so am i.


Friday, August 6, 2010

this time for a farewell, happy end?

the unmistakable fact is :
its so easy to be the one who judge, than the judged side.

konteks nya disini adalah dalam keorganisasian. saya baru saja menjalani Laporan Pertanggung Jawaban Tahunan oleh MMPK.

terimakasih ya Allah, Kau telah mengijinkan kami merasakan hal2 seperti ini, yang jelas akan kami alami kembali beberapa tahun ke depan.

saya mengerti betul pihak mana yang berusaha mati matian bahkan lebih dari yang seharusnya. pihak mana yang mengerti atas usaha kami. pihak mana yang melindungi dan selalu membesarkan hati kami. pihak mana yang terombang ambing. pihak mana yang memberi saran yang membangun betul. bahkan pihak yang tidak mengerti seraya sama sekali tidak menghargai usaha manusia lainnya.

untuk poin yang terakhir tidak perlu penjelasan, kami sudah cukup tahu.

terimakasih atas kesempatan untuk merasakan seberapa jauh forsiran otak dan tenaga ini hanya untuk mendapat celaan, yang salah alamat.

serta kesempatan melihat dia yang tidak berperan, mendapat penghargaan (remember: smart, the bucket of flowers). --> oke saya msh tidak terima dan heran sampai skr. KOK BISA BISANYA HLO YA AMPUN.
rasanya ingin menangis kala itu. haha.

maaf postingan ini sifatnya subjektif. tapi saya yakin kami yang duduk di kursi yang sama merasakan hal yang sama, dan tersakiti oleh oknum yang kurang lebih sama.

semoga saya tidak pernah lupa akan kemarin.
sebagai acuan untuk masa depan. untuk menjauhi takabur.

semoga mereka segera diberi kesadaran oleh Yang Maha Kuasa. (*amiiin!*)

so this is the end.

terimakasih untuk semua teman teman semasa bakti OSIS SMAN 1 Surakarta tahun 09/10.
Ameg, Nana, Afnan, Maida, partner sekbid APSEN <3
Nico, Onit, Fiki, Rido, Juju, dan semua Inti OSIS
Hindun, Mirza, Ulin, Valen, Burhan, sekbid KWH terimakasih atas kebaikan kalian :'
sekbid 1-7 yg saya lupa kalo disebutin satu persatu. we did the imperfectly great job. and its more than just a fine :)
Yudhis, Rinda, Ditta, Fi'ah, Ayya, dan adek2 komisi D MMPK. kakak salut bgt sama kalian hahaha
Anta, Engg, CP, Resita, Dini, semua yg suka banget sama LPJ bagian apsen dan semua suara yang belum sempat tersuarakan, akhirnya tersuarakan juga :P
temen2 ekskul, Lintang, Cacu, Fata, Saukat, tetep semangat
Untuk Ririh, Rio, (dan Afifan) . . . . . .

"It's never too late to do the right thing. That's what I'll do, I'll go over there and do the right thing."

// What Women Want (2000)

so what about you?


Monday, August 2, 2010

this is why my life never been as good as heaven
this is why my life wont be as hell, well, as hell :P

im not goin to regret this (pointing to my self)
thats ok i had a super big fight with my family, while arguing with my boy. which is ended with cold war between us. and painfully migraine.

its fine because whatever happening down here, i know that we're fine anyway.
no matter how hurt it feels, i still believe that God's scenario never harmed us.

semuanya demi kebaikan
semoga cepat membaik dan,
semuanya kembali seperti yang semestinya, dalam hal kebaikan tentunya.

i love you mom, dad, my sister,
and you, sid.


So tired of feeling blue.
such a heavy weight on you.
So shake it off and make your way
to somewhere different
Oh no now you’re leaving me
oh what will you do all alone
in the big bad world?
Im not worried, no.

Cause you’re gonna skip along,
Quite merrily, baby.
you’re gonna revel in hating
what’s goin' on
And you’re like a sugar bomb
and no harm will come,
no harm will come if you
just skip along.

Acting oblivious.
Comes natural to us.
Keep smiling knowing all the while
the world will fall apart

Wouldn't it be lovely to be home, home
safe and sound with no one round
to bring us down
but that's so far away

No harm will come if we just skip along

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

for the wiser and wiser. just better :)

tomorrow i'll be 17th :)
nearly a woman. and i'm proud :)

there's no birthday bash for now. the pocket is not in a good condition at this time. so i prefer celebrate my day with bestest. tapi engga pas hari h sih. feeling ku elek buat besok. there must be something ehem -_-

tersyerah lah. yang jelas hari ini bawaannya senyum terus :)

mulai sekarang saya mau semakin mendekatkan diri sama Tuhan. bukan karena kelas tiga, bukaan. tapi saya butuh dekat dengan-Nya. untuk dan dalam segala hal :)

sempet pingin ini itu banyak banget tapi setelah dipikir pikir....................... mending duitnya disimpen aja. soalnya untuk penghidupan beberapa bulan kedepan kayaknya bakalan g sedikit.
sementara pengalokasian dana berlebih harus ditabung buat docmart. pengen bgt sampe kebawa mimpi. hayah. yg replika tp, soalnya kalo ori ga mampu hahaha. kalo ada yg nawarin second juga mauuuu. tapi apa mungkin gitu seukuran kaki saya -_-

yah sutra lah.

hopin the best for me :)
hhihi senyum aja deh ini si eneng :) :)



Thursday, July 8, 2010

Les grandes pensées viennent du coeur.
(The greatest thoughts come from the heart)

Vauvenargues // 6 August 1715 – 28 May 1747

its kind of ridics when someone ask a location or something else and we're acting so nice, give the damn right clue without knowing who is the person exactly. its nice to be stranger. or asking them :)

sometimes its good to not knowing something.

kemarin salah satu orang terdekat saya bilang akhir2 ini saya malesin.
i just dont know what the heck is going on down here, inside my brain. i miss the moment when we dont know each other, but finding out. i miss the moment when he asked me to somewhere or gave me something that i really want that (thing or place) so bad and i felt there's fireworks show in my mind.

entah saya atau dia yang menjauh.

im so scared if we're becoming strangers. but wait? they're nice arent they?
they do. but they're not if they are you. your heart is too good to be forgotten. because
The greatest thoughts come from your heart.

this post is for anyone. who feel like this.
i miss you.


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

the future begins today, not tomorrow

keduluan si fata nurhaliza mosting tentang ansor huhu
yowes lah yau, cekidot

the ANSOR Family

tapi di fotonya itu aku keliatan genduuk. d a n g!

so be prepared for our farewell trip next 26 june at Bali. even not all the members join in but well enjoy our time as we can *senyum maksa*

selama setaun sekelas ada terlalu banyak warna menyatu menjadikan putih di kenangan kita. mau disebutin pasti g ada habisnya. yang pernah nangis dikelas siapa hayoo? yang pernah nggosip? marah marah? siapa yang g pernah? haha

pertama kali main poker, pertama kali touring sampe pacitan dan tempat terpencil kyk yg di segoro buaya-ku, pertama kali bolos pas patah hati (sampe akhirnya ketagihan), pertama kali pergi jauh cuma bekal niat tanpa duit ya sama kalian. and i wont forget our favorite activity selain mbolos pak dandung, curhat frontal masalah hati, sekelas.

thanks for learn me something called life.

tapi walopun kita banyak masalah sampe diomongin sana sini kita toh tetep bisa bikin Mrs. Ansor a.k.a bu Aris bangga. kita pantes kemaki-kemayu-an dong hla nyatanya yang remed mat cuman seorang temen kita yang kurang beruntung, yang remed eko juga engga banyak2 amat. dan kenyataan bahwa saya tidak remed agama. ha ha :D

ok talk less photos more.
here we are :

buber fabulous

Segoro Gunung

Pantai Sembukan

Pantai Nampu


if next year we're not in the same class, be cool. prove them we can get in the same list. we'll be in the fabulous university and fight for the brighter future (and married the one whom we love, and who loves us) :)


Friday, May 21, 2010

as long as the dog bark, until they barked

akhirnya kami pun tetap merayakan eksistensi JYCK di tahun keduannya.
hahahalaah. finally problem solved. yang kemarin buat pembelajaran. makanya harus ati ati.


kalo di recap 2taun ini kita sama sama idiot kok. mau2nya aja aku sama kamu yang sering bikin sakit ati, ga peka, dan ga pernah ngasih mawar merah. mau2nya aja kamu sama aku yang over sensitif, mutungan, ga pangerten sama situasi dan kondisi yang kadang ga pas. mau gimana lagi hlawong kita sama2 saling mencintai. (eh sumpah ya bahasaku njijiki) -____-

wis ah males aku ya bosen ngeblog cinta2an terus. serasa terinjeksi telenovela.

oiya males wi aku posting foto2 rawks. gede bgt ukuranya hampir 1terrabyte. lebey.

next issue : foto kaum ANSOR ft Mama Mrs. ANSOR yang cantik yang ganteng yang pinter main poker. ups.
(masih issue ya ini, jgn dipercaya dulu)

habis ini mau nonton kaset (bajakan) nya mita, Marie Antoniette. basi banget belom nonton film jaman Kirsten Dunts berdempul 50.000.000cm bedak. :P

so the song is...

If I Fell

If I fell in love with you

Would you promise to be true

And help me understand

Cos I've been in love before

And I found that love was more

Than just holding hands

If I give my heart to you

I must be sure

From the very start

That you would love me more than her

If I trust in you oh please

Don't run and hide

If I love you too oh please

Don't hurt my pride like her

Cos I couldn't stand the pain

And I would be sad if our new love was in vain

So I hope you see that I

Would love to love you

And that she will cry

When she learns we are two

Cos I couldn't stand the pain

And I would be sad if our new love was in vain

So I hope you see that I

Would love to love you

And that she will cry

When she learns we are two

If I fell in love with you


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

never trust anybody more than yourself

just a second after i write this

taraaaaaaaaaaaaa :

and finally they lived happily ever after :)

apa alesanmu kali ini? susah buat percaya sm kamu. tapi lihat, hati ini terlanjur rusak dan berdebu. aku ini tidak cantik sayang, aku tidak kurus, tinggi semampai, dan tidak bisa berdandan. kamu tau itu.

jangan tahan aku lagi aku bosan.

aku tidak bisa melihat yang seperti ini lagi. maaf saya sama sekali tidak mengerti hal hal yang kamu anggap biasa itu. itu tidak biasa. itu luar biasa sakit.

mulai hari ini aku dan kediaman ku.

cold and heartless.

i dont wanna spending too much my time just to being hurted.

dan itu sama sekali bukan hal yang biasa saja.
bukan hal yang biasa.


its hard to say i trust you

tapi seragu ragu nya saya, masih ada rasa percaya sama kamu (walopun ngotot bilang ga percaya + marah marah parah).
mas, aku tresna tenan karo sliramu :)

It's not about keeping your promises, and it's not about following your heart. It's about security.

Young Noah // The Notebook (2004)

jaga hatiku yaa sayang..


Monday, May 10, 2010

and the rain fall down

this time i wanna speak up about my last event at SMA Negeri 1 Surakarta called RAWKS! (Rubric Of Artworks in Smansa) ok people stop. please its my turn to have speaker rite now :)

so i wont play hide and seek about the problems.

first and the most common mistake in any committees. lack of cooperation.

lack of coordination to get sponsors.

too high idealism.

and we seems didnt care about the others part. are they done yet, are they need any help. is that rite fellas?

ok, theres still a bunch of mistake that day.


but this is absolutely the most fatal. settle the payment before the obligations are fulfilled. ok thankyou we know who's takin the responsibility here but we're not going to blame you.

this is not your fault. you did a great job. we all did. but that fuckin great super duper wuper rain destroyed all of our imagination and hopes for this event. our teacher rite. mr. yoto rite. it was nature. divine. fate.

as the crew i wanna say sorry if you guys felt lose out for spending your IDR 8000 and your time, and missed that football event. indeed we're sorry too.

overall we did a great job. prepared fr the blast next august.

note : photos after this post (insya allah) .

you know what, i felt bored when write all of this sht. maybe you too. but its kinda hurt when heard all those backstabber.

die you biatch.



song of the day :

Kiss The Pain Away
Hollywood Nobody
Let me come into the darkness of ur soul
Let me cure all the pain left from the past
Give me courage just to save ur wounded heart
Give it to me so i can touch the deepest side of ur lonely heart

Come on closer just give it a shot
I’ll never gonna ruin that beautiful thing inside
Come on closer just kiss the pain away
I’ll be ur cure and u’ll be my love

Bend it on me i’ll be okay
Our love drive me to the max
Give me your hand and u’ll see
How wonderful our feeling inside

cx !


My photo
part time bookworm nerdy as hell and hardly to find another safe-zone. the rest part is just between you and me.